Piggy is a library for working with SQL via java.sql
. It tries to help to marshal data into and out of your SQL
statements. It does not offer a lof of opinions about the structure of the data in a database (as in, there is not a lot
of functionality around modeling tables around case classes).
High Level Overview
There are a few moving parts to go over, which will be broken up into three sections
- Composing and Executing
: Database interactions are done lazily in aSql[A]
data structure, similar to the Lzy module. You compose a series of steps as a "description", and then use a runtime to evaluate those steps when desired. - Writing SQL: The library provides a string interpolator to help you write SQL strings, and capture arguments to be used in a prepared statement.
- Parsing
s: The library helps to parse aResultSet
into the expectedTuple
of a result, that can then be marshaled to case classes if desired. - Putting it all together: A simple example of how these pieces fir together.
Composing and Executing Sql[A]
Piggy is structure like the Lzy library, where you define a series of steps (Sql[A]
s) you want to take, and
then execute series.
Without any deeper context yet (we'll come back to it), this will end up looking like:
val sql: Sql[(Int, Seq[Person])] = for {
_ <- Sql.statement(ddl)
nIns <- Sql.prepareUpdate(insert, tenPeople *)
fetchedPeople <- Sql
.prepareQuery[String, (Int, String, Int)](
} yield (nIns, fetchedPeople)
Our sql
doesn't run - it's only a description of the Sql
actions to take. To run it, we use the SqlRuntime
(or an
extension method the Sql
to do this for us)
val result: Try[(Int, Seq[Person])] = sql.execute()
Some of the magic is hidden here with implicits, so let's look at the method type signature of the extension method:
extension [A](a: Sql[A]) {
/** Execute this Sql operation using the given Connection. See
* [[SqlRuntime.execute]].
def execute(d: Duration = Duration.Inf)(using
connection: Connection,
executionContext: ExecutionContext
): Try[A] = {
SqlRuntime.execute(a, d)
Our extension method has a default argument for the Duration
(how long to wait for the result) to Duration.Inf
We need an implicit ExecutionContext
in scope to run the underlying Future
s on (
given ExecutionContext = BranchExecutors.executionContext
to use the virtual-thread-per-task one in BranchExecutors
or others if you want).
We also need a Connection
to interact with the database. Let's look at the default implementation on SqlRuntime
/** Execute a Sql[A] using a Connection, returning the result as a Try. The
* entire chain of Sql operations is done over the given Connection, and the
* transaction is rolled back on failure.
override def execute[A](sql: Sql[A], d: Duration = Duration.Inf)(using
connection: Connection,
executionContext: ExecutionContext
): Try[A] =
Try {
try {
val result = Await.result(evalF(sql), d)
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
throw e
} finally {
The same connection is used for all steps in the series, and if the evaluation of the series fails, the transaction will
be rolled back. Note, the evalF
method wraps each step in a Future.fromTry
, so they are executed sequentially.
Writing SQL
The heart of the library involves this string interpolator extension to StringContext:
extension(sc: StringContext) {
/** A string interpolator for creating prepared statements by capturing
* arguments to aPsArgHolder.
def ps(args: Any*): PsArgHolder = PsArgHolder(
sc.s(args.map(_ => "?") *),
args *
/** A holder for a prepared statement string and its arguments.
final case class PsArgHolder(
psStr: String,
psArgs: Any*
) {
private def set(preparedStatement: PreparedStatement): Unit = {
psArgs.zipWithIndex.map({ case (a, i) => a -> (i + 1) }).foreach {
case (a: Int, i) => preparedStatement.setInt(i, a)
case (a: Long, i) => preparedStatement.setLong(i, a)
case (a: Float, i) => preparedStatement.setFloat(i, a)
case (a: Double, i) => preparedStatement.setDouble(i, a)
case (a: String, i) => preparedStatement.setString(i, a)
case (a: Tuple1[String], i) => preparedStatement.setString(i, a._1)
case (a: Boolean, i) => preparedStatement.setBoolean(i, a)
case (u, i) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported type $u")
This allows you to safely* capture arguments, and automatically build a prepared statement string. Note: safely here does not mean that your SQL is correct 😅. With this, you can write things like:
case class Person(id: Int, name: String, age: Int)
val insert: Person => PsArgHolder = (p: Person) =>
ps"INSERT INTO person (name, age) values (${p.name}, ${p.age})"
val find: String => PsArgHolder = (a: String) =>
ps"SELECT id, name, age from person where name like $a"
The string is interpolated to replace all variable arguments with ?
, and the arguments are additionally captured in a
instance. This will be used to set the arguments to a PreparedStatement
in the order they are passed in.
Parsing Results
When describing a Sql[A]
that is going to return a ResultSet, there is a type argument to indicate the expected shape
of the tupled results.
For example, the prepareQuery
below shows that my input will require a String
argument, and the result is expected
be a Tuple3[Int, String, Int]
.prepareQuery[String, (Int, String, Int)](
This correlates to our find
val find: String => PsArgHolder = (a: String) =>
ps"SELECT id, name, age from person where name like $a"
We're expecting to get back a ResultSet
with three columns (id, name, and age), and we want to parse the rows to
(Int, String, Int)
There is some machinery in place during execution to automatically iterate through a ResultSet
, and grab typed values
for the length of the tuple provided as the type argument. Without much further discussion, this looks a bit like:
private inline def parseRs[T <: Tuple](rs: ResultSet)(index: Int): Tuple =
inline erasedValue[T] match {
case _: EmptyTuple =>
case _: (t *: ts) =>
summonInline[ResultSetGetter[t]].get(rs)(index) *: parseRs[ts](rs)(
index + 1
which is made available as an extension to a ResultSet
extension (rs: ResultSet) {
/** Parse the ResultSet into a List of Tuples.
inline def tupledList[A <: Tuple]: List[A] = {
val b = List.newBuilder[A]
while rs.next() do b += parseRs[A](rs)(1).asInstanceOf[A]
/** Parse the ResultSet into an Option of a Tuple.
inline def tupled[A <: Tuple]: Option[A] = {
type class instance helps parse the correct types, as provided by the tuple type parameter.
/** A ResultSetGetter for String */
given ResultSetGetter[String] = new ResultSetGetter[String] {
def get(rs: ResultSet)(index: Int): String = rs.getString(index)
Note: The library does not (currently) help you ensure that your declared tuple is the correct shape of the query!
Putting It All Together
Now that we have been able to delve a little deeper into the library, let's see how it all fits together. Let's look at a test case; this set up that has our table creation, some data to insert, and a query to run:
val ddl =
case class Person(id: Int, name: String, age: Int)
val insert: Person => PsArgHolder = (p: Person) =>
ps"INSERT INTO person (name, age) values (${p.name}, ${p.age})"
val find: String => PsArgHolder = (a: String) =>
ps"SELECT id, name, age from person where name like $a"
val tenPeople =
(1 to 10).map(i => Person(0, s"Mark-$i", i))
Using these, we can compose our series of steps as:
val sql = for {
_ <- Sql.statement(ddl)
nIns <- Sql.prepareUpdate(insert, tenPeople *)
fetchedPeople <- Sql
.prepareQuery[String, (Int, String, Int)](
} yield (nIns, fetchedPeople)
and evaluate to a result (using a Connection
and ExecutionContext
in scope) with
val result: Try[Seq[Person]] = sql.executePool()
Other Libraries
If you like Piggy, you should check out Magnum