Branch Framework


This module has a collection of reusable modules that could be helpful in any project.

Meta Programming

There are a couple of reusable inline helpers to summon lists of things by type, as well as some extra type helpers for Tuples.


There is a parser, which is the topic of a chapter in Function Programming in Scala (2nd Ed) of parser combinators. It is currently used to power the Friday JSON library, but is useful for any parsing application, I imagine. There is a Parsers trait, and a Reference implementation which can be used.


If you need a resource pool of type R, then there is a simple trait ResourcePool[R] to extend.

The borrowing of resources is gated by a Semaphore with val poolSize: Int (defaults to 5) permits.

The pool is eagerly filled on create.

Implement def acquire: R with how to create a resource, and def release(resource: R): Unit with how to cleanly close the resource when shutting the pool down.

You can optionally over def test(resource: R): Boolean to provide a test to run after borrowing a resource, to make sure it is still healthy.